
My understanding of Particle Physics

  • Energy is the curvature of spacetime
  • Spacetime is really just space, time is just what we choose to call it.
  • We also call identifiable manifestations of energy as particles
  • General Relativity takes a purely geometric approach
  • Some particles have charges that direct their field lines
  • Opposite charges repel each other
  • Some particles have charges which are a fraction of the elementary charge
  • UPDATE: Topological structures like Klein bottles could explain the nature of charge arising from a topological knot in the spacetime fabric.

About fields:

  • Any field should have point particles to be able to propagate disturbances, just like water.
  • Speed of propagation of disturbances is the speed of sound in that field, and it is also dependent on the elasticity of the field.
  • Electrons and photons have elastic collisions because they are not part of a complex system like an atom, where collisions don't happen just with the electrons themselves.
  • Since mass is the warping of spacetime, any disturbance propagates though the spacetime field.
  • So spacetime field should be composed of point particles.
  • Simply put, the wavelength of a wave is a function of its speed of sound, which depends on its elasticity.
    • Try using stacked pendulum bobs to explain speed of sound
  • I believe the elasticity of the universe is not yet understood, because that could also explain black holes.
    • Also reference: https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/elastic-limit-of-spacetime.709613/post-4504923 (This bending is known by almost all those who tackled the challenge of understanding astrophysics as Gravity. The elasticity of the Universe is unkown hence we couldn't give you an exact answer, mainly because manifestation of pushing the Universe to the limits, also known as black holes, aren't very well understood when it comes for studying the exact singularity effect on space-time)
Atoms of spacetime

Particles are excitations of fields
Electrons are excitations of the Dirac electron field
Photons are excitations of the electromagnetic field

Note: Regarding Dimensions

The entire point is based on that there is no universal reference frame, and only the one which we assign as an observer.

There is a distance and orientation from a reference.
For a single observer pair, the orientation is inline, hence there is only a distance.

Can't angle be defined as XY x YX? Only two cartesian axes are required to represent the complete space.
So, the output would be [0,360] x [0,360].
The output will be equal whenever XY = YX.

We cannot use another
Using a negative sign won't resolve this.

Also, in our current representation. Rotating by 90 degrees in any one of the axes defines a location accurately regardless of the rotation of the other axes, so for whichever axis came first. This seems wrong and related to the Gimbal lock.
Yes, the amount rotated varies from max to 0 as the first rotation goes from 0 to 90 degrees.

So we better use quaternions or something instead of spherical coordinates.
The XYZ coordinates also are not intuitive, as in with how we observe objects day-to-day.

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